Invited talks and seminars:
- "Impacts of chlorinated very short lived species on halogen budget and stratospheric ozone over the recent past", NCAR / ACOM UTLS meeting, Boulder, CO, USA, October 2024.
- "Stratospheric Aerosol Injection: Modeling the Impacts on Atmospheric Radiation, Dynamics and Chemistry", Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee (IARPC), as a part of "Arctic Modeling Research on Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) and Solar Radiation Modification (SRM)" meeting, online, October 2024.
- "Stratospheric aerosol geoengineering and its impacts on stratospheric ozone and climate", NASA Ozone and Trace Gases Discipline (OTGD) meeting online, April 2024.
- “Stratospheric Aerosol Injection: Modelling the Impacts on Atmospheric Radiation, Dynamics and Chemistry”, Climate Engineering 2024, Gordon Research Conference, Lucca (Barga), Italy, February 2024.
- "Stratospheric aerosol geoengineering and its impacts on the atmosphere and climate", Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Colloquium, Indiana University Bloomington, Bloomington, IN, USA, October 2023.
- "Injection strategy - a driver of atmospheric circulation and ozone response to stratospheric aerosol geoengineering", Solar Climate Intervention Virtual Symposia, online, April 2023 (see: Solar Climate Intervention Virtual Symposium 3 (Dr Ewa Bednarz & Dr Colleen Golja) - YouTube).
- "Stratospheric aerosol geoengineering and its impacts on stratospheric and tropospheric climate", Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research seminar, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany, April 2023.
- "Geoengineering and QBO", invited talk, QBOi workshop, Oxford, UK, March 2023.
- “Impacts of geoengineering using stratospheric aerosol injection on the stratospheric and tropospheric climate", Special SEAS/GISS Colloquium in Climate Science, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, New York, USA, October 2022 (see: GISS Seminar, 2022-10-05: Ewa Bednarz - YouTube).
Conference talks:
- "Impacts of very short lived chlorinated species on halogen budget and stratospheric ozone over the recent past", Quadrennial Ozone Symposium 2024, Boulder, CO, USA, July 2024.
- "Injection strategy – a driver of atmospheric circulation and ozone response to
stratospheric aerosol geoengineering", AMS 22nd Conference on Middle Atmosphere. Burlington, VT, USA, June 2024. - "Stratospheric Aerosol Injection could prevent AMOC decline but injection location is key", CESM Workshop 2024, Boulder, CO, USA, June 2024.
- "Hunga Tonga impacts on atmospheric circulation and transport, and their links with
ozone and surface climate - HTHH-MOC preliminary insights", 2nd workshop on the impacts of the Hunga eruption, Paris, France, April 2024. - "Injection strategy – a driver of atmospheric circulation and ozone response to stratospheric aerosol geoengineering", AGU 2023, San Francisco, USA, December 2023.
- "Impact of the latitude of Stratospheric Aerosol Injection on the Stratosphere-Troposphere Coupling", DynVar/SNAP meeting, Munich, Germany, October 2023.
- "Injection strategy – a driver of atmospheric circulation and ozone response to stratospheric aerosol geoengineering", CCMI Science Workshop 2023, Toulouse, France, October 2023.
- “The role of sulfur injection strategy in determining atmospheric circulation and ozone response to solar geoengineering”, IUGG 28th General Assembly, Berlin, Germany, July 2023.
- “Impact of the latitude of sulfate aerosol injection on stratospheric and tropospheric climate”, IUGG 28th General Assembly, Berlin, Germany, July 2023.
- "The use of the 1-degree Middle Atmosphere configuration of CESM2(WACCM6) in Stratospheric Aerosol Injection studies", CESM workshop 2023, NCAR, Boulder, USA, June 2023.
- “Quantifying the uncertainty in climate response to stratospheric aerosol injection from gravity wave parametrizations in CESM2(WACCM)”, CESM winter working group meeting, NCAR, Boulder, USA, Jan/Feb 2023.
- “Impact of the latitude of Stratospheric Aerosol Injection on the Southern Annular Mode”, AGU 2022, Chicago, USA, December 2022.
- “Climate impacts from sulfate aerosol injection and the dependence on the injection latitude”, International Workshop on Stratospheric Sulfur and its Role in Climate (SSiRC), Leeds, UK, May 2022.
- “Stratospheric circulation and ozone responses to sulfate aerosol injections in CESM simulations with different temperature targets, and their impacts on climate", AMS 2022, virtual, January 2022.
- “Geoengineering impacts on tropospheric circulation and tropical width”, AMS 2022, virtual, January 2022.
- “Stratospheric circulation and ozone responses to sulfate aerosol injections in CESM simulations with different temperature targets, and their impacts on climate", AGU 2021, New Orleans, USA, December 2021.
- “Inter-model comparison of atmospheric responses to off-equatorial stratospheric sulfate injections”, AGU 2021, New Orleans, USA, December 2021.
- “Atmospheric impacts of short-lived chlorinated species over the recent past: a chemistry-climate perspective”, Quadrennial Ozone Symposium 2021, virtual, October 2021.
- “The impact of chlorinated very short-lived substances on atmospheric chemistry and climate: Past, present and future”, AGU 2019, San Francisco, USA, December 2019.
- “Towards improved characterisation of the impact of chlorinated VSLSs on atmospheric chemistry and climate”, Atmospheric Science Conference 2019, Birmingham, UK, July 2019.
- “The role of solar-ozone feedback in modulating the atmospheric response to the solar cycle forcing”, Quadrennial Ozone Symposium 2016, Edinburgh, UK, September 2016.
- “Future Arctic ozone recovery: the importance of chemistry and dynamics”, Quadrennial Ozone Symposium 2016, Edinburgh, UK, September 2016
- “Future Arctic ozone recovery – the importance of chemistry and dynamics”, 5th Annual Composition-Climate Meeting 2015, Leeds, UK, March 2015
- “Separating the role of direct radiative heating and photolysis in modulating the atmospheric response to the 11-year solar cycle forcing”, Conference on Sun-Climate Connections, Kiel, Germany, March 2015
- “Future Arctic ozone recovery – the importance of chemistry and dynamics”, ACITES meeting, York, UK, December 2014
- “The response of chemistry and climate to the 11-year solar cycle in UM-UKCA”; 4th Annual Composition-Climate Meeting 2014, Met Office, Exeter, UK, April 2014